Gender Equality Officers

The Gender Equality Officers are elected members of staff in the Department of Humanities and support the implementation of the university-wide equal opportunities strategy. Subject-specific impulses are set through their own projects and actions.

Equality concept

Every two years, the department draws up a gender equality concept that formulates goals and measures to achieve these goals. The current gender equality concept 2023-2025 (opens in new tab) focuses on four topics:

  1. Reducing the underrepresentation of women in affected status groups.
  2. A working atmosphere at FB3 characterised by tolerance, diversity and equal opportunities
  3. Promotion of women and their further qualification
  4. Internal and external communication

Furthermore, the Gender Equality Strategy at the TU Darmstadt serves as additional orientation.

Gender-sensitive language

The use of gender-sensitive language can promote equality. Therefore, the notes on gender-sensitive language of the TU Darmstadt as well as the recommendations of the Gender Equality Officers (opens in new tab) serve as a guide for the use of gender-sensitive language.

Women’s advancement funds

Every year, our department has access to funding that is used in particular for:

  • Women's advancement (scientists* in scientific matters)
  • Women's/gender research (research on topics relevant to women/gender)
  • Self-presentation (self-presentation, self-management, social skills)
  • Targeted further education and training

The offer is aimed in particular at students, scientific and administrative/technical staff. Details on funding opportunities can be found in the funding criteria (opens in new tab) and the guidelines for the use of women’s advancement funds (opens in new tab).

Applications must be submitted to the Women’s advancement funds Committee by 17 February 2023 using the application form for women’s advancement funds (opens in new tab) .


No events currently scheduled.

Departmental Award for Theses

The department awards a prize for a thesis dedicated to gender issues no more than once a year.

The supervisors of the theses are entitled to submit proposals. In addition to the thesis, an abstract, a statement by the nominator and both reviews must be submitted in electronic form.

Year Winner Title of theses
2020 Ines Oetzel Der weibliche Körper als Allegorie. Über die Semantik des weiblichen Körpers am Beispiel Gustav Klimts Allegorien
2015 Tatjana Kasatschenko Das Geschlecht (in) der Migration – „Er, Sie, Wir“ und „die Anderen“: Die soziale Konstruktion von Ethnie und Geschlecht als Macht- und Strukturkategorien

Research Award

As part of the department's equality concept, a research prize of 2400 euros is awarded. Scientists who are in the initial phase of a doctorate or a post-doctorate are eligible for funding. Their research project should be particularly innovative and of outstanding professional quality. The prize money is science-related and can be spent on training programmes.

Applications should include a letter of motivation, an exposé (max. 4 pages) and a curriculum vitae in electronic form.

Year Winner Research topic
2022 Kaja Langer Krafttraining im Klettern – Eine Interventionsstudie
2021 Rhea Dehn Tutosaus Auf der ‚anderen‘ Seite: El Estercho de Gibraltar. Grenzverschiebungen und Migration in der Zeitgenössischen Kunst
2020 Kathrin Rehme The Branded Artist. Der ‚Künstler als Marke‘ auf dem zeitgenössischen Kunstmarkt – eine interdisziplinäre Analyse
2019 Alexandra Clausen Effects of evaluative conditioning on early sensory processing
2017 Angelika Kern Einfluss auditiver Reize auf die Wahrnehmung virtueller Reize
2016 Miriam Oesterreich Die anachronistische Moderne – Zu internationalen Verflechtungen mexikanischer Avantgarden (1920-50)


Former decentralised Gender Equality Officers of the department of human sciences, Dr. Miriam Oesterreich and Christiane Kellner, with the collaboration of Danielle Suhr and Rhea Dehn, wrote a statement on the stress situation of academics with care responsibilities (opens in new tab) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.