New LOEWE start professorship at deparment of human sciences: Charley Wu strengthens cognitive sciences

Human thinking as a model for Artificial Intelligence


Wu's appointment to the professorship of Computational Cognitive Science at the Department of Human Sciences will further strengthen the expertise of TU Darmstadt in the two networks ‘The Adaptive Mind’ (TAM) and ‘Reasonable AI’ (RAI).

Dr Wu's work focuses on the question of how artificial intelligence (AI) can use human learning strategies to become more flexible, efficient and social. Approximately two million euros of LOEWE funding will be provided for his research over a total of six years. The state is thus also supporting the full proposal of the research networks ‘The Adaptive Mind’ and ‘Resonable AI’ in the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments, in which TU Darmstadt is significantly involved.

Personal details

After studying philosophy and cognitive science in Vancouver and Vienna, Dr Charley Wu worked at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and completed his doctorate in psychology at Humboldt University in Berlin. He then conducted research as a postdoc at the renowned Harvard University. From 2020, he led a research group at the University of Tübingen, financed by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Machine Learning for Science’ and the Tübingen AI Centre. In 2024, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant and the Rising Star Award from the American Psychological Society.